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- E N E R G I E Q U E L L E   N A T U R -


Die Natur gibt uns positive Energie, deshalb haben wir KOTONA aus der Natur heraus entstehen lassen. Wir haben die der Natur am meisten verbundenen Räumlichkeiten gewählt, die Dir ein gemütliches und zugleich komfortables "in der Natur sein" ermöglichen. Unsere Tiny Houses erzählen alle ihre eigene Geschichte und ermöglichen Dir den direkten Zugang zur Natur.  


Um der Natur auch etwas zurück zu geben, haben wir unsere Tiny Houses von A bis Z nachhaltig konstruiert. Alle Tiny Houses sind mit erneuerbaren Energien ausgestattet und wurden nach dem skandinavischen Minimalismus (hyggeliger Minimalismus) eingerichtet. Darüber hinaus haben wir Farbakzente, die auch dem Schutz und der Nachhaltigkeit der Materialien dienen sollen, mit der Unterstützung des umweltschutzfreundlichen Farbenherstellers "Farrow and Ball" gesetzt.  

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T I N Y   H O U S E S

s i m p l e - s m a r t - c l e a n - b a c k  t o  N A T U R E

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The cabin functions entirely on renewable energy and excludes most modern commodities. The cabin itself is a compact and entirely mobile 10m 2 dwelling, that can be assembled, dissembled and transported without any heavy machinery. It demonstrates a low-impact daily life, that is based on self-sufficiency and renewable solutions – thus generating minimal to no emissions.


-Designer: Robin Falck-

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Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-21 um
Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-21 um


The angle and size of the window gives the interior a lot of natural light, you can even admire the stars during the night. I wanted to welcome in the beautiful surrounding. On the first floor I have a lounge area with a micro-kitchen. The 2nd story loft is for sleeping and storage. All the materials are local or recycled and carried to the spot by hand to keep the nature untouched. When I was done with it I named it Nido (italian for 'birds nest').


-Designer: Robin Falck-

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Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-21 um
Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-01 um


Our first CABN is named Jude, after our founder’s mother. Jude is warm, caring and inviting – never judgmental – and has always welcomed everyone into her home and life. It’s those same feelings that you can expect when you stay. Adventurous, warm and welcoming – the perfect tiny escape.

Set in 180 acres of natural scrubland and adjacent to a conservation park boasting incredible walking trails, creeks, dams and breathtaking scenery.


-Designer: A CABN-

"If you want to know who you are. If you want to know who you really are, then go into the forest, alone, just by yourself, close your eyes and listen to the silence of nature. If you do this practice for 7 to 10 days, you will know who you really are, what means the same as - What you really want in life -." Alan Watts 

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T H I S   I S   A   V I S I O N

August 2019

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